Thursday, March 8, 2012

.NET Transpilers: Pit - F# to JS Compiler

Make sure to check out this new open source project that transpiles F# to Javascript. There are a lot of fascinating transpilers coming out and it's nice to see some of them open source or affordable.
Others of note int the .NET space are:
JSIL - converts .NET CIL bytecode to Javascript. This approach is interesting that you don't have to sprinkle your app with annotations all over the place to get it to build.
SharpKit.Net - converts annotated C-Sharp method and classes to Javascript. This is commercial., closed source, but affordable and has probably the most complete implementation of the C-Sharp language.
WebSharper - another commercial product. It's notable for being very complete and they have a wonderful set of bindings to many popular Javascript libraries. With great capability also comes greater cost. Seems you pay for what you get :)
There are several others in the .NET space as well and many coming outside of that (Dart, CoffeeScript, Clojure, etc.) Most of the ones outside of the .NET area don't seem to focus on strong typing. I'm a big believer that strong typing catches bugs early and believe thats' the way to go. I was bit dismayed at the Build 2011 announcements. I had hope that Microsoft rather than introducing the ability to develop .NET apps in Javascript, would rather have come up with a comprehensive solution to handle targeting Javascript and HTML5 via C-Sharp and F-Sharp.

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